Harold Reynolds Fired from ESPN!?

FYI everyone, Harold Reynolds was fired from ESPN today, and no reason has been given so far.  I don’t know about all of you, but I love Harold Reynolds on "Baseball Tonight."  I say we start a campaign to get him rehired, unless he came to work high on acid, urinating on desks, and making everyone call him "Mr. Reynolds, 2 time all-star."


  1. ny_yankeesfan81@yahoo.com

    Do you have a link to where you got that news? Reynolds is the only reason I can watch Baseball tonight. The old lady likes his voice. now that he’s gone it’s back to the Golden Girls. I’m pissed off about this…

  2. Jacob

    Looked at your link a bunch of times, finally clicked it. You blog looks great so far. Great to have you aboard!

    Personally, I think Harold Reynolds making every call him “Mr. Reynolds, 2-tim all-star” would be one of the funniest things I had ever seen on television.



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